Anemia (iron deficiency) is one of the most familiar schema nutritional disorder that affects people all over the world. This happens when the body has low levels of iron to enable it to produce hemoglobin – the protein that is found in red blood cells and has the sole responsibility of transporting oxygen in the body. This deficiency if not corrected is likely to result in anemia and many other health complications. Here we are going to discuss the signs and symptoms of this kind of anemia, its causes and prevention and its home treatments.
Symptoms of Iron Deficiency
It is therefore important to be able to determine the signs of iron paucity as early as possible. Some common symptoms include:
1. Fatigue and Weakness: The most common of these may include fatigue or weakness. This is caused due to the utilization of oxygen-carrying cells in your body not being sufficient enough.
2. Pale Skin: It is also important to know that decreased levels of hemoglobin will make your skin look lighter as compared to its normal color. Pallor is most pronounced in the face and in the scarlet red areola surrounding the conjunctiva of the inside of the lower eyelids, and nails.
3. Shortness of Breath: If you are generally short of breath on simple tasks to carry out, it may be as a result of low oxygen level, which is associated with iron deficiency.
4. Dizziness or Lightheadedness: Deficiency of this essential food can lead to dizziness or lightheadedness and especially when one is standing up.
5. Cold Hands and Feet: Lower blood circulation because of iron poor diet makes the extremities of the body such as hands and feet to be cold as compared to the normal temperatures.
6. Brittle Nails: Another condition that may lead to linearity of the nails is iron deficiency anemia which is characterized by nails that are thin, brittle and which may easily break.
7. Headaches: If you are a regular headache or migraine, although joining dizziness or feeling light headed could mean that your brain is not receiving the right amount of oxygen.
8. Unusual Cravings: Those who are anemic may also have cravings for non food items such as ice, dirt or starch, this is as a result of pica.
9. Restless Legs Syndrome: This is a disorder that involves the uncontrollable urge to move ones legs especially during night and mostly accompanied by a creepy feeling.
10. Hair Loss: If anemia is bad enough, hair might start to grow sparse, or maybe go completely bald.
Causes of Iron Deficiency
There are things that lead to iron deficiency and by identifying these factors the prevention and management can be done effectively. Here are some common causes: The following are some of the reasons:
1. Inadequate Iron Intake: The other cause is the lack of foods that must contain iron. Those who are on diets and also vegetarians as well as vegans are the most affected if they do not consume adequate amounts of plant based iron.
2. Blood Loss: iron is buried through the blood; therefore, sicknesses that cause bleeding such as menstruation, ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding amongst others will make one loss iron hence will lead to its deficiency.
3. Inability to Absorb Iron: Some sicknesses such as celiac disease, or some operations that involve the intestines will reduce the bodies capacity to absorb the mineral.
4. Pregnancy: This Is because during pregnancy, necessities for iron rise since a woman is growing a fetus, thus most ladies are bound to experience a deficiency in iron.
5. Frequent Blood Donation: This is because through constant blood donations the body iron level is reduced and therefore, frequent blood donors are most likely to develop this disease.
6. Chronic Conditions: Some diseases that may cause impairment of the body’s capacity to absorb and utilize iron are cancer, chronic kidney diseases among others.
Home Foods that can help to Avoid and Heal Iron Deficiency
To prevent and manage iron-deficiency anemia, it's important to eat a balanced diet with enough iron. Here are some foods high in iron that you can add to your meals:
1. Leafy Greens
- Spinach, Kale, and Swiss chard among other green leafy vegetables are very rich in non-heme iron. Which should best be taken with vitamin C containing foods such as bell peppers or oranges for enhanced absorption.
2. Legumes
- Plant-based foods like lentils, chickpeas, and beans are great sources of iron. You can season them and add them to soups, salads, or stews.
3. Nuts and Seeds
- Seeds and nuts like pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and cashew nuts are rich in iron, protein, and healthy fats.
4. Red Meat and Poultry
- Meats like beef, lamb, chicken, and turkey contain heme iron, which your body absorbs better than non-heme iron found in plant foods.
5. Seafood
- Shellfish such as clams, mussels, and oysters are especially high in iron and very nutritious. Other sources of iron include fatty fish such as sardines and mackerel.
6. Fortified Foods
- Iron-fortified cereals, breads and pastas are also acceptable for inclusion to individual who consume no meat or milk products.
7. Dried Fruits
- Raisins, apricots, and prunes are not only useful in the aspect of their rich iron content also contain fiber and other vitamins and are therefore good snacks.
8. Tofu and Tempeh
- All these products are derived from soy and are very rich in iron thus are preferred by vegetarians and vegans. They can be incorporated in the stir fry, as a salad ingredient or just as a fillings for sandwiches.
9. Eggs
- Egg yolks are a high source of cholesterols and sometimes contain moderate iron that is useful in preparing foods and sauces.
10. Dark Chocolate
- A small serving of dark chocolate that contains a minimum of 70-per cent cocoa is beneficial in increase the body’s iron.
Top Five Common Home remedies Tips for Increased Iron Determination
1. Pair Iron with Vitamin C: Non heme iron is improved by Vitamin C. If you are consuming iron rich foods you can accompany them with citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers.
2. Avoid Iron Blockers: Coffee, tea, and wine, milk and other calcium containing foods and drinks act as suppressors to iron absorption. Do not take them with foods containing iron since it will cause a reaction and make them less effective.
3. Cook with Cast Iron: If consumed frequently, preparing foods using cast iron pans will result into foods having a higher iron content most especially when preparing foods that contains naturally occurring acids such as tomatoes.
4. Maintain a Balanced Diet: Thus, include in your meal as many foods as possible containing not only iron but other useful elements which are required for the proper functioning of the body.
5. Stay Hydrated: Water is paramount in our health and all the body systems hence maintaining good blood concentration levels.
6. Limit Calcium Intake with Iron: Calcium and iron are known to have an antagonistic relationship such that optimal absorption of the two nutrients should not occur simultaneously hence it is advisable not to take foods or supplements containing high levels of calcium alongside foods with high levels of iron.
Iron deficiency is not a fatal disease as its treatment can be done through proper diet and changes in the daily activities of an individual. Knowing the signs and knowing the reasons can enable you to avoid and get dry of iron deficiency. Including iron containing foods and adhering to the home remedies herein illustrated can go along way in improving iron status and general health. Persistent symptoms should however be checked by a medical doctor for diagnosis and subsequent actions.
The important thing is to ensure with food and information the amounts of iron and its lack in the body can be controlled.